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A Child’s Prayer and God’s Greater Answer.

We often come to God with specific requests, hoping for answers that solve our immediate concerns. But sometimes, God’s response reaches far beyond what we ask for, shaping our lives in unexpected and powerful ways. In this story, you’ll see how a child's simple prayer led to a much greater transformation, all starting with a Bible and a young heart open to faith.

Bible opened

A Child’s Prayer and God’s Greater Answer.

Recently, I was reflecting on a conversation with a friend and a question she asked me. I had been telling her a story from my childhood.

I was raised in a very wicked home, not knowing about God or giving Him any thought. Then, when I was around seven years old, another little girl and I found a New Testament Bible. We were trying to read it and make some sense of it. The little girl told me that I could pray to God and ask Him for things, and He would answer. One night, I thought I would give it a try. I was growing taller, and I had an outfit that I really liked, but it was getting too small. I thought this would be a great opportunity, so I prayed and asked for a new one.

That was the end of my story, or so I thought. My friend had asked, “Did God answer your prayer?” At the time, I told her, “No.”

Now, as I think back, I realize He did answer! He gave me a new outfit—just not the way I expected. He gave me a brand new robe of righteousness! He cleaned up the environment I was living in, removing the hard drugs, alcohol, and cigarettes. He took away the bad influences, the horrible language, and the rotten music that was forced upon my young soul every day. Then, He placed me under a pastor, where I could grow—and where I eventually met my husband!

Today, upon reflection, I would have to answer "yes", God did answer my prayer for a new outfit—miraculously and in ways I never could have imagined.

Now unto him that is able to do exceeding abundantly above all that we ask or think, according to the power that works in us. -Ephesians 3:20

Key Takeaway

God answers prayers in ways we don’t always expect, offering what we truly need rather than just what we ask for. Like the story shared here, His plans are often bigger and better than we imagine. If you’re feeling uncertain, need guidance, or want to know more about what God has in store for your life, we’d love to help. Reach out to us through our contact form on the website, chat, or call—we’re here to support you in your walk with God.

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