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Frequently Asked Questions

Have a question? Maybe you can find the answer here!

What Denomination Are You?

We are members of the kingdom of God and are not divided from other disciples. Palominas Chapel, our name, is the venue where the church of God members in Palominas, Arizona, meet.

We fellowship with all believers: those who accept Jesus as the Son of God, who have received the Holy Spirit, and who obey the Bible’s teachings. We worship with several other Christ-centered, Bible-based, and Spirit-led congregations.


Our history traces back to Adam through Seth (when men first began to call upon the Lord). Then, through Noah, Abraham, David, and Jesus to the apostles. From the first apostle of Jesus until now, many people have helped to bring us the complete gospel and truth of God. We are built upon that foundation and not upon a single person's or group's legacy.


What’s Worship Like?

Each Sunday morning, the people meet for praise, prayer, and inspiring preaching. On Sunday afternoon, you will want to join our Neighborhood Connect.


Additionally, the Chapel has a Power Gathering each Wednesday: This is a time to recharge for the rest of the week! We keep the worship plain, simple, and easy to understand. You will not hear us speaking anything but understandable words (unless the pastor gets tongue-tied).


We like living for God: It is fun.


Yes, the pastor will preach about eternity (the lake of fire or heaven), living without sin (against bad things- or things that are not right), modest dress and behavior, and the tactics that the devil uses in today’s world to fight against people’s souls, but it is not harsh or mean.


What If I Am Not Right With God?

That is why we are here. No one begins with a complete understanding of God.


Why Should I Worship With You?

We do not “beg” for money. The pastor may teach about tithes and offerings, but the Holy Spirit must direct your giving.

We teach that there is only one truth, and the ministry here does not hide it from you—the truth is knowable and unchangeable.

Truth exists independently of what anyone thinks; it is not subject to social ideas, political opinions, or personal beliefs. You can know the things of God for a fact. We explain how to hear and understand God's voice.


Pastor Nathan teaches the entire Bible. He explains the history, the law, the relationship of the Old Testament to the New, and how to live a pure life before God in Christ Jesus.


We explain that while we are not perfect people in the flesh, we can be perfect children of God in the spirit and walk in that perfection every day, without sin, free from a need to do bad things, and with victory over the devil.


At the Chapel, you can learn how to make it to heaven, live for eternity, and avoid punishment.


I Have had Problems In Other Places. What Do I Do?

Here, we expect you to start fresh and to grow in the divine favor and knowledge of Jesus Christ. We work hard to enjoy peace, offer forgiveness, show love, avoid discord, and turn off negativity. We also require these things from all of our members and visitors.


Do You Speak In Tongues?

The word tongue means language. Just like the Apostle Paul spoke in different languages, so do we if others are around to understand (such as Spanish).

The Apostles spoke in their preferred language on the day of Pentecost, but others heard them in over 19 tongues. That occurrence is an example of the gift of tongues: when God interprets from one language to another through the ears of the hearers. According to the Scripture, to speak in a language no one else speaks is out of order and confusing. During those times, people are to pray in silence.

God said there would be no outward sign other than Jesus rising from the grave, a person’s love for one another, and the ability to listen and obey Him. Whenever the ministry preaches, the Holy Spirit speaks to the hearts of the hearers in that quiet voice that reveals God’s truth to the individual.


Do You Teach Sanctification?

We teach an entire and complete sanctification, a term encompassing being set apart and cleansed. However, we do not endorse labels like "one work," "two works," or "progressive works." Rather, we endeavor to keep the spiritual unity that binds God's children together in peace. Those who accept that Jesus is the Son of God are united in one faith.

Our teachings focus on the unifying doctrine of salvation, which includes believing, repenting, being baptized in water and of the Holy Spirit, and then living a sinless life in adherence to the entirety of God's Word and Spirit-led guidance.

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